Global Shutter? How about Pixel Shutter and Pixel ISO? (August, 2023)
Imagine if your camera could set different shutter speeds and ISO settings for individual pixels. We can refer to these features as Pixel Shutter and Pixel ISO.
In this scenario, all pixels would be exposed within the sensor's dynamic range, and the RAW file would contain exposure compensation data for each pixel. This approach would enable us to have high-quality image data even in the darkest and brightest corners of the image. Pixel Shutter would prove more practical for stationary scenes, while Pixel ISO would be ideal for capturing fast-moving objects, such as in sports and bird photography.
Implementing these features would demand more computational power than current processors can provide. It might take years after the global shutter replaces the mechanical shutter for Pixel Shutter and ISO to become feasible. Another competing concept involves developing 'simple' sensors with an exceptionally wide dynamic range and low noise, negating the need for Pixel Shutter and ISO. Whether we will see the realization of Pixel Shutter and ISO, or the alternative, remains uncertain for now.